Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Student life

Temporary Return to Japan/Overseas Travel Notification Submission

Dear students and international students,

         International and Academic Support Division

As announced in the Student Life Guide, etc., when our students (including international students) study abroad, travel abroad, or temporarily return to their home country, they must submit a "Notification of Temporary Return/Overseas Travel" to the International and Academic Support Division. is obligatory.

In the event of a disaster, terrorism, accident, disease infection, etc. overseas, the information is necessary for the university to understand the behavior of the students traveling abroad and to confirm the safety of the students, so please be sure to submit it in advance.The notification form is available on the university website or at the counter.

Additionally, in order to help faculty, staff, and students spend their time abroad safely, we have created the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Overseas Travel Safety Guide, which summarizes particularly important points from a crisis management perspective. If you are traveling abroad, be sure to check this guide as well.

In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs requires Japanese nationals who plan to stay abroad for three months or more to submit a "residence notification". Japanese nationals planning to stay in Japan for less than XNUMX months are instructed to register with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' overseas travel registration "Tabiregi".

These are self-registrations for each student studying or traveling abroad.Be sure to register even if you are traveling abroad for a few days for sightseeing.

[Tabi-Regi/Resident Registration page]

[Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Overseas Travel Safety Guide]

If you have any questions, please contact the International Student Section, International and Academic Support Division.

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