Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Student life

Student insurance system

About enrolling in “Student Education and Research Accident Insurance”

  • The “Student Accident Insurance for Education and Research” is available as a relief system in the event that a student sustains a bodily injury due to an unforeseen accident during regular curricular activities, extracurricular activities, or while commuting to school. This insurance is a nationwide system and is based on the mutual assistance of students, and all students of this university are also required to join this insurance.
  • In addition, “Student Education and Research Liability Insurance” (abbreviated as “Gakkenbai”) covers injuries sustained by others during regular curricular activities, school events, internships, nursing care experiences recognized as extracurricular activities, teaching practice, volunteer activities, and on the way to and from them. Compensation for legal damages incurred due to damage to property of others. All our students are also required to enroll in this insurance.
  • If you have not yet completed the subscription procedure or have repeated a year, please complete the subscription procedure using the prescribed payment form distributed at the Student Services Division or the Etchujima District Office.

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