Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Shinagawa Etchujima CampusGraduate School of Marine Science and Technology

The Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology has a doctoral course divided into a master's course and a doctoral course, and trains independent highly specialized professionals who open up cutting-edge fields.Furthermore, in collaboration with the Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, and the National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology, we will further enhance education and research and improve the quality of graduate students. We are trying to

ABOUTAbout the Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology

In addition to deepening the respective specialized fields of marine science and marine engineering, we have created a new field of education and research in the integrated interdisciplinary field.This graduate school is a divisional doctoral course, and the master's course consists of seven majors: marine life resource science, food function conservation science, marine resource environmental science, marine management policy, marine system engineering, shipping logistics, and food distribution safety management. It is composed of , and trains highly specialized professionals based on the basic specialized education of the undergraduate school.The doctoral course consists of two majors, Applied Life Science and Applied Environmental Systems Science, and trains independent, highly specialized professionals who open up cutting-edge fields.In addition, the Graduate School collaborates with the Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, and the National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology to further enhance education and research. We are working to improve the quality of our graduate students.

MESSAGEGreetings from the Dean of the Graduate School

A blessed graduate school life surrounded by international students in central Tokyo

Tetsuro Hyodo
Dean, Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
The Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology has 7 Courses in the master's course and 2 Courses in the doctoral course, and approximately 700 students are engaged in research day and night.About one-fifth of the students are international students, and the graduate school is currently working on reforming education and research accompanied by globalization and quality assurance of education as priority issues.
In 2019, the “Development of Wise Program to foster AI Professionals for Marine Industries” was selected as the “Distinguished Graduate Program” of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.This program is designed to acquire literacy in big data analysis and AI methods related to the ocean, and to develop human resources such as innovators who will lead the social implementation of these literacy.
In addition, the OQEANOUS program, which has been implemented in Japan, China, and South Korea, will be extended to universities in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia from 2021 as the "Highly Skilled Professional Training Program for Realizing Sustainable Ocean Development and Utilization -Oceanus Plus-". Expanded.In this program, programs such as summer school and double degree are also established.
In addition to this, not only international students but also Japanese students have an international perspective through various unique initiatives such as the introduction of English in graduate school lectures and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Special Program for Preferential Placement of Government Scholarship Students". I want to be a graduate school that can spread.

COOPERATIONCooperative Graduate School

The Cooperative Graduate School is a graduate school education system that utilizes the facilities, equipment, and human resources of national and independent administrative research institutes that have advanced research standards outside the university.This is expected to revitalize education and research as a graduate school open to society, such as by diversifying and interdisciplinary education and research content and promoting exchanges of researchers with partner research institutes.
Our graduate school collaborates with the following research institutes.

Master's course

MajorSpeciaization Fields of StudyCooperation destination
Course of Marine LIfe Sciences Aquatic Bioscience (Reproductive and Behavioral Physiology on Fish) Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency
Fisheries Biology (Population Dynamics, Fisheries Ecology)
Fisheries Biology (Deep-Sea Biology) Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Marine Bio Engineering (Functional Biology of Aquatic) Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency
Course of Marine Resources and Environment Marine resources and Energy (Coastal Production Environments,Fisheries Environment Technology) Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency
Course of Marine System Engineering Marine Exploration and Utilization Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Course of Maritime Technology and Logistics Marine Safety Technology National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology

( ) indicates the field of education and research of the affiliated graduate school

Doctoral course

MajorSpeciaization Fields of StudyCooperation destination
Course of Applied Marine Biosciences Applied Bioscience (Reproductive and Behavioral Physiology of Fish, Applied Resource Dynamics, Fishery Resource Ecology) Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency
Applied Biological Sciences (Deep-Sea Biology) Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Applied Bio Engineering (Functional Biology of Aquatic) Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency
Course of Applied Environmental Studies Ocean Science and Technology(Adovanced Fisheries Environmental Technology) Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency
Marine Safety Technology National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology
Marine Exploration and Utilization Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology


Educational goals

In the graduate school, we pursue solutions to various problems related to the ocean on a global scale and explore the possibilities of the ocean itself. The purpose of education and research is to cultivate independent highly specialized professionals and researchers who can open up new fields.

(Source: “Rules Concerning Education and Research Objectives at the Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology”)

Admission policy(Policy for Accepting New Students)

Master's course

1.Desired Interest and Motivation for Accepting Students

In the master's program of the Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology, students are able to respond flexibly to the times and society, creatively tackle various issues related to the ocean on a global scale, and pursue cutting-edge fields in the ocean and related industrial fields. We are looking for students who have the desire and ability to open up new paths.

2.Academic achievements expected of accepted students
(1)Specialized knowledge

Acquisition of basic specialized knowledge related to oceans, fisheries, and maritime affairs necessary for learning specialized fields in the master's program and skills necessary for carrying out research cultivated through experiments and practical training.

(2) Rich internationality and wide-ranging education

A wide range of knowledge and international/cultural knowledge required of globally active personnel, such as collaboration with different fields and dissemination of information in English.

(3) Ability to think, judge and express oneself

Basic ability to think logically about issues to be solved based on the social background and take an appropriate approach to problem solving.

(4) Practical skills that can be used in the field

Ability to express one's thoughts to others in an easy-to-understand manner, communication skills to actively interact with others, and a sense of responsibility towards society.

3.Evaluation method for admission selection

When selecting students for admission, in order to select students who are suitable for the "desired image of students", general selection, special selection for working adults, special selection for foreign students, and special selection for foreign students by recommendation are carried out to select students.

  • General selection (oral examination or academic achievement test)
    In the oral examination, the results of the oral examination, academic transcripts, admission quota, etc. will be taken into account in a comprehensive evaluation.
    In the academic examination, a comprehensive evaluation will be made in consideration of academic examination results, academic transcripts, admission quota, etc.
  • Special selection for adults
    Comprehensive evaluation will be made by taking into consideration academic achievement test results, academic transcripts, admission capacity, etc.
  • Special Selection for International Students
    Comprehensive evaluation will be made by taking into consideration academic achievement test results, academic transcripts, admission capacity, etc.
  • Foreign student special recommendation selection
    Comprehensive evaluation will be made through document review or oral examination.

Doctoral course

1.Desired Interest and Motivation for Accepting Students

In the doctoral course of the Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology, students will be able to respond flexibly to the times and society, creatively tackle various issues related to the ocean on a global scale, and pursue cutting-edge fields in the ocean and related industrial fields. We are looking for students who have the desire and ability to open up new paths.

2.Academic achievements expected of accepted students
(1)Specialized knowledge

Acquire highly specialized knowledge and research methods to creatively tackle various issues in the ocean, fisheries, and maritime affairs as an independent researcher.

(2) Rich internationality and wide-ranging education

A wide range of knowledge and international/cultural knowledge required of globally active personnel, such as collaboration with different fields and dissemination of information in English.

(3) Ability to think and judge by oneself

Ability to understand the ethics and academic significance of academic research, and to formulate and carry out appropriate research plans.

(4) Practical skills that can be used in the field

The ability to logically explain research results, the ability to be aware of the relationship between one's own research and society, and the proactiveness to solve problems by devising diverse approaches through international exchange with researchers from different fields.

3.Evaluation method for admission selection

When selecting students for admission, in order to select students who are suitable for the "desired image of students", we conduct general selection, selection for further education, special selection for working adults, special selection for international students, and special selection for international students. To do.

  • General selection
    Comprehensive evaluation will be conducted based on academic achievement tests, academic transcripts, etc.
  • Entrance examination
    Comprehensive evaluation based on the results of academic achievement tests.
  • Special selection for adults
    Comprehensive evaluation will be conducted based on academic achievement tests, evaluation of achievements, transcripts, etc.
  • Special Selection for International Students
    Comprehensive evaluation will be conducted based on academic achievement tests, academic transcripts, etc.
  • Foreign student special recommendation selection
    Comprehensive evaluation will be made through document review or oral examination.

Curriculum policy(Curriculum Formulation and Implementation Policy)

1. Curriculum design policy

At the Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology, in order to help students acquire the four qualities and abilities listed in ``2'' below, we offer specialized lecture subjects, seminars, experiments, practical training subjects, and subjects related to dissertation research. etc. are organized systematically.

2. Policies regarding educational content and educational implementation methods

Master's course
(1)Specialized knowledge
 Students will acquire a wide range of specialized knowledge through specialized lectures in their field of study, seminars, experiments, and practical courses that emphasize independent learning, and subjects related to dissertation research. Additionally, we have introduced a system for students to take advanced courses in the master's program, which organically connects the undergraduate and graduate schools.
(2) Rich internationality and wide-ranging education
 We aim to acquire international specialized knowledge through English classes and improve our ability to communicate information in English. In addition to common graduate school courses and courses common to your major in order to gain interdisciplinary knowledge, we recommend that you take courses from other majors (including courses from other graduate schools).
(3) Ability to think, judge, and express independently
 Students are required to write a master's thesis and hold a presentation in order to accomplish their own highly novel research based on a variety of knowledge and information from Japan and abroad. Additionally, students are required to attend education related to researcher ethics as early as possible after enrolling.
(4) Practical skills that can be used in the field
 Through the teaching assistant (TA) system, we provide undergraduate students with educational guidance to improve their ability to respond quickly.

Doctoral Course
(1)Specialized knowledge
 Students will acquire advanced specialized knowledge through highly specialized lecture subjects in their field of study and subjects related to their dissertation research.
(2) Rich internationality and wide-ranging education
 Students are required to take common graduate school subjects and joint seminars in order to gain interdisciplinary knowledge. We also encourage students to write papers in English to improve their ability to disseminate information in English.
(3) Ability to think and make decisions independently
 In order to achieve highly novel research of their own based on a variety of knowledge and information from Japan and abroad, students are required to write doctoral dissertations and hold presentations. In addition, we will offer courses to help students build their careers after graduating from graduate school, and aim to improve their ability to contribute to society, including international society and industry. Education related to researcher ethics will be a compulsory subject upon admission.
(4) Practical skills that can be used in the field
 We offer a variety of internships and coursework to gain a wide range of social experiences both inside and outside the university, and to improve your practical skills in society.

3. Policy regarding evaluation method of learning outcomes

In all subjects, learning outcomes and achievement of goals will be rigorously evaluated through exams, reports, presentations, etc. When conferring a degree, a fair and rigorous examination of the degree thesis and certification through a final exam are required.

diploma policy(Policy for Graduation Accreditation and Degree Awarding)

At the Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology, we focus not only on regional issues but also on global issues such as a globalizing society and climate change. Aiming to explore the possibilities that oceans have, we utilize advanced specialized knowledge and cutting-edge technology in the marine field to develop cutting-edge areas through collaboration with other fields, and develop a wealth of knowledge and society that will enable us to play an active role internationally. We aim to cultivate human resources who have the ethics to gain trust in science and technology from the outside world. The qualities and abilities that they should acquire are as follows.

Master's course:
(1)Specialized knowledge
 Ability to understand the social background, academic significance, and applied value of research topics in each research field, and to appropriately promote research.
(2) Rich internationality and wide-ranging education
 The ability to understand and explain specialized fields in English through English classes, and problem-solving and research skills through interaction with a wide range of stakeholders through education, academic conferences, and social activities.
(3) Ability to think and make decisions independently
 Ability to logically explain research results, ethics in academic research, and ability to present research results based on these
(4) Practical skills that can be used in the field
 Ability to devise and implement strategies to effectively utilize research results in society

Doctoral Course:
(1)Specialized knowledge
 Interdisciplinary, cutting-edge, and highly specialized knowledge related to basic and applied sciences
(2) Rich internationality and wide-ranging education
 Ability to plan and carry out international-level research that has academic significance, novelty, originality, and practical value, and to independently create the results as academic papers.
(3) Ability to think and make decisions independently
 Ability to appropriately evaluate the research of others, ability to autonomously promote research, ability to logically explain research results, ethics in academic research
(4) Practical skills that can be used in the field
 Ability to devise and implement strategies to effectively utilize research results in society

Completion certification/degree award policy
 In the Master's Course, students must earn the required number of credits, meet the requirements for conferring a degree as determined by each major, and be recognized as having acquired the target ability in the dissertation review and final exam. certify the completion of the course and award a master's degree (marine science or engineering).
 In the doctoral Course, students must earn a certain number of credits, meet the requirements for degree conferment specified by each major, and be evaluated from the perspectives of academic significance, novelty, originality, and applied value in each research field. In addition to the degree thesis, specialized knowledge, and logical explanation ability, the final exam evaluates the English proficiency required for academic papers and research presentations, and confirms that the applicant has the ability to be awarded a degree. Those who are approved will be certified as having completed the course and will be awarded a doctoral degree (marine science or engineering). Additionally, based on agreements with overseas universities, those who complete a joint degree program who meet the required criteria will be awarded a degree from the partner university.

Policies for each Course
