Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Advanced Onboard Training Course For Mercantile Marine

ABOUTAbout Advanced Onboard Training Course For Mercantile Marine

In the School of Marine Technology , there is a 6-month Advanced Onboard Training Course for Mercantile of the Department of Maritime Systems Engineering, Department of Marine Electronic Mechanical Engineering, and Engine Systems Engineering Course.

On-board practical training is conducted on sailing ships and steamship training ships of the Maritime Education institute, container ships of shipping companies, LNG ships, etc., and acquires various knowledge and skills necessary for ship staff on large ships.In each port of call, you will learn the basics of being an international citizen through interaction with local people.

The Faculty of Marine Engineering is registered as a Type XNUMX training facility for XNUMXrd class maritime officers (navigation/engineering) by the government. Institutions) are exempted from the written exam among the national exams.


diploma policy(Policy for Graduation Accreditation and Degree Awarding)

The educational goal of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology is to cultivate highly specialized professionals with a broad education that forms the foundation of a rich humanity, extensive knowledge and understanding of the ocean in general, and deep insight into their specialized fields. We guarantee that our students will have the following abilities and qualities when they graduate.In the bachelor's program, a degree is awarded to students who have enrolled for a specified number of years, taken courses set in line with the educational objectives of the faculty, and earned the required number of credits.In the graduate school program, students must be enrolled for the prescribed number of years, receive research guidance in line with the educational and research philosophy and goals of the graduate school, and pass the thesis review and examination conducted by the graduate school within the prescribed number of years. , which awards degrees to students who have completed the course.

Abilities and Abilities that Students Should Acquire

  1. Ability to deepen scientific understanding of the ocean and propose and implement desirable policies for utilizing the natural environment
  2. Ability to think logically, make appropriate judgments, and act with a sense of responsibility towards society
  3. Practical leadership ability to understand, recognize, and respond to the broader issues of modern society
  4. Abundant humanity, wide-ranging education, problem-seeking and problem-solving skills based on deep specialized knowledge and skills
  5. A wide range of perspectives, abilities, and cultural knowledge that serve as the foundation for international exchange

Curriculum policy(Curriculum Formulation and Implementation Policy)

Based on the university's diploma policy (policy for awarding degrees), the curriculum will be organized and implemented according to the following policies so that students can learn independently.

Bachelor's degree

  • "General subjects" for acquiring a broad and deep education and language skills, "basic subjects" and "basic education subjects" necessary for understanding the diversification and sophistication of specialized fields, and deep academic knowledge. We provide a curriculum that organically links “specialized subjects” to cultivate and develop specialized abilities.
  • We will promote active learning by developing educational methods and improving educational systems.
  • We will clarify the evaluation criteria for learning achievements and develop students' autonomous learning ability through the utilization of evaluation results.

Graduate course

  • We offer interdisciplinary subjects and specialized subjects to promote the acquisition of a broad perspective and specialized knowledge and skills related to the field of study.
  • We provide opportunities to foster high ethical standards and a wide range of social experiences both on and off campus.
  • In addition to clarifying the evaluation criteria for learning achievements, we will appropriately review and examine research achievements.

Admission Policy (Policy for accepting new students)

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology aims to be an outstanding university of the world's highest standard, producing leaders in industry, government, and academia who are active internationally in the marine field.
We are looking for students who are interested in the ocean, maritime, and fisheries fields.
Those who possess the necessary qualifications and basic academic skills to receive an education at this university, who have a strong desire to learn, who are willing to actively tackle new challenges, who are always broadening their horizons and who have an attitude of independent thinking. Through a variety of entrance examination methods, we accept a wide range of people from Japan and overseas who have improved communication skills, who respect different ways of thinking and cultures, and who aim to play an active role in the global society.