Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


2024 1st open campus (face-to-face) was held!

Undergraduate entrance exam Those who want to study at university Local / general people

 July 7 (Sunday) Faculty of Marine Engineering (Etchujima Campus), August 28Saturday, August 8 at the Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment, and Sunday, August 4 at the Faculty of Marine Life Sciences (Shinagawa Campus).
We held an open campus for three days!
Despite the scorching heat every day, over 3 people participated over the three days, creating a great atmosphere.
We will introduce some of them.
 In addition, the open campus live events and on-demand video streaming are still being held.
Please enjoy it till the end.

7/28 Faculty of Marine Engineering (Etchujima Campus)

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① Faculty and Department Introduction (Faculty of Marine Engineering) 

② Mock lecture: "Sustainable International Logistics" (Department of Logistics and Information Engineering)

③ General reception

④ Laboratory and facility tours

⑤ Yayoi Experience Cruise


8/3 Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment (Shinagawa Campus)

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⑥ Mock lecture: "What is overfishing?" (Department of Marine Environmental Science)

⑦Introduction to Education and Research (Department of Marine Resources and Energy)

8. Research presentations by students of the Department of Marine Biology and Oceanography

9. Co-op cafeteria

⑩Marine Science Museum

⑪ Mock lecture: "Knowing the location of marine life" (Department of Marine Resources and Energy)


8/4 School of Marine Life Sciences (Shinagawa Campus)

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12. Mock lecture: "Does the sex of fish change depending on the environment? How global warming affects the sex of fish" (Department of Marine Life and Environmental Sciences) 

⑬ Individual consultations by faculty and students (Department of Food Production Science)

⑭Shinagawa Campus

⑮Interactive workshop: "Understanding fish-eating culture through Kanoko Okamoto's 'Sushi'" (Department of Marine Policy and Culture)

⑯ Research introduction, practical training introduction, panel display (Department of Marine Life and Environmental Sciences)

⑰Whale Gallery