プログラムの名称 |
水産物輸出を先導する高度専門知識を備えた人材育成プログラム |
プログラムの概要 |
世界的に広がっている日本の魚食文化を背景に、我が国の持つ高付加価価値商材を世界に向けて戦略的に輸出し、成長産業の礎をになう人材を育成するプログラムである。 |
実施研究科・専攻 |
海洋科学技術研究科・ |
本学募集人数 |
国費外国人留学生 5名/年 私費外国人留学生 5名/年 日本人学生 5名/年 |
募集対象者 |
本専攻において博士号取得のための研究を遂行する意思を持ち、卒業後すぐにまたは将来的に日本あるいは自国の水産物を輸出入する企業等への就職を希望する者、あるいは自国で水産物商材の輸出入の管理・規制等に従事する行政職を希望するものを募集対象者とする。なお、国費外国人留学生の場合は、対象国として主に中東、トルコ、中南米を予定している。私費外国人留学生、日本人学生の場合は、国籍は問わない。 |
活動内容 |
所属専攻の修了要件を充足した上で、 |
Program name |
Human Resource Development Program for the Promotion of Export Marin Products |
Outline of program |
Japan has strong intension to export high value sea food products to foreign countries through the expansion of global Japanese sea food boom. This program is aiming to foster internationally competitive talents who can develop and promote to export Japanese sea food products. |
Available Courses |
[Doctoral course only] Course of Applied Marine Biosciences |
Number of positions |
Japanese Government Scholars 5/year Self-financed students 5/year Japanese students 5/year |
Application qualification |
This Ph. D. course allows students to accept who have strong wills to accomplish their research in three years. Students should be also intending to work after graduation in a Japanese company, in their home country's sea food trading company or in their home country's ministry as a national government official regulating export and import such sea food products. Those premises should be fulfilled when students apply the special course. Countries and areas of Japanese government scholarship candidates for this course are mainly assigned to Middle East including Turkey and Latin America. However, regardless of nationality for Self-financed students and Japanese students. |
Program contents |
In addition to completing the requirements of your faculty and major, it is mandatory to participate in the following activities: (1) Marine Science Seminar. (2) An internship activity at the companies / organizations designated by the Course of Applied Marine Biosciences. (3) Some activities designated by the course, such as "Japan International Seafood Show." |
Recruitment information for program participants(Application guidelines・Application form)【October 15, 2021,deadline】