プログラムの名称 |
海洋産業イノベータ人材育成プログラム |
プログラムの概要 |
海洋産業分野で、AI、データサイエンスやIOTを活用した先端技術の導入による産業革新を先導し、海洋さん業を成長産業として発展させることができる高度専門職業人を養成するプログラムである。 |
実施研究科・専攻 |
海洋科学技術研究科・ |
本学募集人数 |
国費外国人留学生 5名/年 私費外国人留学生 5名/年 日本人学生 5名/年 |
募集対象者 |
国費外国人留学生:本学博士課程(5年一貫制)にふさわしい能力を有する者。 |
活動内容 |
所属専攻の修了要件を充足した上で、 |
Program name |
Human resource development for innovator of marine industry |
Outline of program |
The Program students aim to be advanced technical experts who can lead industrial innovation by introducing advanced technologies utilizing AI, data science and IOT in the marine industry field and develop the marine industry as a growth industry. |
Available Courses |
[Five-year Doctor's course] All Courses |
Number of positions |
Japanese Government Scholars 5/year Self-financed students 5/year Japanese students 5/year |
Application qualification |
[Japanese government scholarship students] Those who have the ability to qualify for our five-year Doctor's Course [Self-financed students and Japanese students] Those who have the ability to qualify for our five-year Doctor's Course (Regardless of nationality) |
Program contents |
In addition to completing the requirements of your faculty and major, it is mandatory to participate in the following activities: (1) The designated course works . (2) MC/DC thesis presentation in your major. |
Recruitment information for program participants(Application guidelines.pdf・Application form.docx)【October 13, 2023,deadline】